Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Let's play catch up...

Sunday we went to church in the morning and it was awesome! After church, Matt and I went to a going away/surprise baby shower for one of the doctors that I work with. Her name is Dr. Jenny Carl and she is totally awesome!! It will be VERY hard to come close to filling her shoes. Herself, her husband Leighton, and their daughter Miriam are moving back to Texas. So anyways, that is what we did. We partied all afternoon with the doctors that I work with on a regular basis and nurses from my unit. We had a wonderful time. Sunday night we had our "young marrieds" group from church get together at a house and hang out. The adults are at one house, and the kids are at another with babysitters because there isn't a house big enough for all of us. Besides, we like the few hours to talk to adults without being interrupted.
Monday I worked all day again. I know to those of you who work at jobs that require you to be there 5 days a week I must really sound like a whiner. I give you all credit because I don't like working 3 days, much less 5 days. However in my own defense, I do work extremely long days and get up at 430am to go to work and still don't get to quit and go to bed when I get home at 8-9pm. Then my other job begins. I have kids, husband, house, and laundry to catch up on. The truth of the matter is, I am sure like everyone, I too would love to stay home and hang out with my kids and friends all day and eat gourmet meals every night(cooked by someone other than me of course!), but that is not reality. So I guess if I have to work, I love my job, but like all jobs, you have your good and your not so good days. Matt on the other hand had a wonderful day. He went to the tallest building in Orlando (Bank of America) and climbed the stairs, walked around Lake Eola and learned more about his health and fitness.
Today I worked, but I actually had a decent day. My co-worker became a grandmother. Congratulations Maria!! Aubrey is beautiful! I bounced around from assignment to assignment and did a little bit of everything today. Matt walked around Blanchard Park as a part of his exercise and rehab routine today. He said it was a really nice day out while he was walking. After that he had a lot of work to get caught up on. He had a good day. He is enjoying his position in the fire department now. He likes getting to see people he would normally have never seen or met, but under the circumstances has had an opportunity to do so. When I got home from work, the kids were watching Spiderman. They are very big into superhero's. The had both taken off their shirts so they could be like daddy. They are so cute. They are really growing up so much!! Well I have to go now. I'll blog more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet mention in your blog! We had a great time on Sunday too! Thanks for everything you did, and I am so glad Matt is feeling good! Love, Jenny and & Leighton