Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Busy week...

I will start with yesterday the 2nd of June. Happy June by the way! It was my first day back to work. Who Who!!! It was kind of a busy day for me. I only had one patient but she was a little bit of a complicated case, but her family needed even more attention I think. They kept me very busy and of course I am a nice, wonderful nurse and want the patient to have a great experience in the hospital, so I catered to her family as well. (I deliver babies if you didn't know that already.) Anyways, I got home about 830pm, ate dinner, showered, and fell asleep while Matt was reading us the bible. (Sorry about that. I was just so tired.) Mr. Matthew had a relaxing day at home watching movies all day. His friends Steve and Julius came over and hung out and watched one with him in the afternoon. When I got home, we hung out until I fell asleep on him. Again, so very sorry about that. I will try to not let that happen again... no guarantee's though.

Today I sat in a class for 8 hours and I feel very overwhelmed by everything I just learned. Of course I have been studying for over a week now and I still feel overwhelmed. I was in a class with doctors and nurse practitioners who already know how to run codes and do everything like it's a piece of cake. I only do on average about 1 code every 3-4 months in Labor and Delivery. (We are a high risk facility so we get a lot of sick patients.) A code means someone has basically died on you and you are trying to get them back. Anyways, pray for me tonight as I cram more knowledge into my brain for my test tomorrow. Matt folded my laundry for me. He made sure he didn't hurt himself. He took his first pain pill at 530pm. That's really good because it means his pain is more manageable. He hung out and watched 2 war movies today. The kids were with Claudia and my mom Sheila. Ok, I need to study. More later...

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