Sunday, June 29, 2008

Matt bought the boys Spiderman outfits for bed on Friday and they think they are "hot stuff"! They are totally into the whole super hero thing. You name the character, they like them. They are so adorable! Not that I am prejudice or anything!! We gave them to the kids Friday night after swimming lessons because they completed a week and did a wonderful job following directions, not crying about anything, trying and succeeding at everything that the teacher was asking them to do. I was so proud of them. I was able to get off work an hour early on Friday so I could go see them swim for the first time for their lessons and I felt like the proudest parent in town! Saturday we took the kids to a birthday party for their friend Austin. It was so fun to watch all of the kids play slip and slide, swim in the little pools and play with the water balloons. They were not into the organized game at all with the water balloons, but once they started to let loose free style with them it was all over! They had no mercy!! Even Logan got some good throws in. We had a great fun filled weekend and have another busy week ahead. I am working 3 days in a row... which is totally not fun, but I wanted to have a really long weekend for the 4th so I scheduled myself that way. Hopefully we will hear something from the oncologist on Monday or Tuesday regarding when Matt will start his radiation therapy and what all that will entail. He also wants to call the surgeon and make an appointment to take out his port but he can't make that appointment until he knows what is going on with radiation. You gotta love this feeling of going with the flow and not being in the know! I'll keep you updated.

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