Saturday, May 17, 2008

We are bessed...

We have been so very blessed over the last 6 months and I just wanted to share with you a few things that have happened. As most of you know, at Christmas time Matt was diagnosed with his cancer. We have had awesome doctors and nurses and other support staff. They have moved quickly and aggressively towards finding the appropriate treatment for Matt. Matt's head nurse at the oncology office "just happened" to be my friend's mother. She was able to get us in to meet with our oncologist the day after Christmas. How great is God that He would provide a way for us to see the doctor less than a week after he was diagnosed .... that's a miracle in itself. The guys at the fire station did not even hesitate to spread the word about Matt and get all of his shifts covered up to date. That's a humongous weight lifted off of our shoulders not to have to worry about the coverage or finances. To the men and women who have sacrificed their time for our families well-being, words could never express how grateful we are by you working for Matt! God has used you to bless us in a huge way! Today I got a call from another friend, Claudia, who watches our children and she informed us that an anonymous source paid-in-full for six weeks of babysitting services! We were overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude to whomever chose to bless us in this fashion. I also found out that our church will be taking offerings to raise enough money for me to take off two weeks of work so I can be Matt's nurse! As you can see we have been blessed in many ways and I have only given you a few examples. Thank you again for all of your prayers, love, and support! To God be the Glory! Great things He has done!!!

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